Sunday, November 08, 2015


If you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth. -- Joseph Goebbels paraphrased

There seems to this observer to be more lies told these days than I can remember. And so, to honor this meme, I have, as is my habit, decided to offer up a taxonomy of this mendacity:

Fibs -- "No, I didn't eat the rest of the Oreo cookies."

White Lies -- "No dear, that pants suit doesn't make you look hippy."

Lawyerly Lies -- "I didn't have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky, not a single time." ("Actually, I had sex with her multiple times.")

Political Lies -- "Under the Affordable Care Act, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

Self-serving Lies -- "I am 1/8 Cherokee Indian."

Popular Delusions -- "Carbon dioxide is a pollutant gas."

Propaganda -- "This agreement will prevent Iran from getting the atomic bomb."

Whoppers -- "This hamburger only has 125 calories."

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