Wednesday, August 11, 2010


The Republicans have come up with a number of nicknames for the $26 billion “Second Stimulus” bill that the Democrats just rammed through Congress … just in time to try to buy enough votes in November to keep their porcine asses from being run out of town on a rail. See: Second Stimulus. A few of my favorites from this article are:

”-- ‘Recovery Summer’ Bailout Act (Cash for Flunkers)
 -- Delivering Unions a Major Boost (DUMB) Act
 -- Helping Election Expenditures, Hurting American Workers (HEEHAW) Act
 -- Frivolous Act of Ineffective Largesse (FAIL) Act”

If this is not another example of Obama/Pelosi/Reid ruling against the will of the American people, I have no rejoinder. Although, the Democrats claim that this bill will not add to our country's deficit (much of the money will supposedly come out of the Food Stamp program in 2014), such chimeral rationalization stinks of the sty. To the oinked cheers of the public service unions, we have taken one more mindless step toward this country’s financial Armageddon.

I myself have another name for this self-serving legislation – PORC (Progressives Only Rule Congress)

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