Tuesday, December 01, 2009


All the TV networks, cable shows, and the print media are currently obsessed with the White House gate crashing of the Salahis into Obama's first state dinner ... these "15-minute-of-famers" were on the Today Show this morning spinning their self-serving scenario. Other than the apparent lapse in Secret Service security surrounding the President, I find this another preposterous non-story story. Why does our country relish such cotton-candy events with such fascination when there are so many other under-reported and under-analyzed earth-changing events taking place? -- Iran's nuclear ambitions, Climate-gate, the Afghanistan surge, 10%+ unemployment, huge federal deficits, the growing mortgage crisis, Eric Holder's boners (terrorist's NYC trial, continued funding of ACORN, etc.), Charlie Rangel's malfeasance, and so on.

We Americans need very much to get our heads screw on properly and re-prioritize our need-to-know news interests.


Preacher Jim said...

I agree: Let he who was above all that nonsense about Obama's birth certificate and the content of his wife's thesis in college throw the first stone.

George W. Potts said...

And I've never been prouder of my country than as a result of this faux pax. (I wonder if Mrs. Salahi is "sari" that she crashed the state dinner?)
A Stone Thrower