Thursday, March 12, 2020

Today’s Poser

Mika and Joe Brzezinski

Has Donald Trump not done anything even close to being right in the 3+ years he has been president ... not a single solitary thing?


DEN said...

I'm sure he must have done something right. Even a blind chipmunk finds an acorn occasionally. Wait I just looked at Hannity's list and found one thing out of a list of 29 claims
- NATO allies are spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016.


George W. Potts said...

Send a tweet to Mika and Joe ...

ChillFin said...

As the coronavirus outbreak continues to spread across the country, the Trump administration remains determined to cut the budget for the Centers for Disease Control. At a Senate hearing this week, Trump's budget director Russ Vought defended cutting the Health and Human Services budget by $9.5 billion, including a 15 percent cut of $1.2 billion to the CDC and a $35 million cut to the Infectious Diseases Rapid Response Reserve Fund.

It never ceases to amaze me how Trump and his enablers somehow always manage to make a bad situation even worse. They would rather bail out the oil industry and cut taxes for the rich than adequately fund our public health system. Their mismanagement is endangering the American people.

You might recall my saying how Trump got performance improvements in his vehicle by getting rid of pollution controls, mufflers, airbags, and headlights. We have seen the demise of the CFPB, the EPA, and the CDC. I pay taxes for these protections that have been gutted.

George W. Potts said...

Budgets are not spending ... and reductions in the spending increases are not cuts. Trump declared a national emergency when deaths totaled 48. Obama waited in the swine flu epidemic until they hit 1,000 ... and then grew to 14,000 in 2009. Was your hair on fire then? Were you happy with the Trump presser yesterday? The stock market surely was.

With all the billions of spending at the CDC, the NIH and at WHO the world was still unprepared forCOVID-19. The issue, my friend, is not spending. It WAS management. Trump is correcting that.