It’s very easy to be a skeptic ... kinda like peeing in the pea soup. And the American media is almost universally committed to it. Yes, the odds are very much against the reopening of the American economy by Easter ... as President Trump has hoped for. And now Dr. Fauci has predicted US deaths may top out in the 100,000 to 200,000 range ... so Trump has extended the “social distancing” date until the end of April.
So, how have many media-types and Dems (redundant) responded to Trump’s aspirations? With op-ed vinegar and sour-puss skepticism. Many presser questions ooze with forced doubt and contempt. While Trump answers ask our country to pull together to defeat this “invisible enemy,” the coronavirus gift from China.
The real trouble is ... he’s got a parcel of visible enemies in the room asking snotty questions. Trump may have a sandpaper personality ... but some of these “reporters” are worse than the Fargo wood chipper.
How very strange ...
If he would tell the truth the reporters wouldn't ask difficult questions. But he lies about the lies he already told and then they play the tape and he refuses to listen. Can you not handle the truth? He can't
Is that you in the Fargo picture?
The guy in the wood chipper was deplorable too.
Do you agree that Trump should with-hold medical supplies from States that he thinks have not treated him "nice"?
I think that his logistics people pay little or no attention to his comments and try to meet the needs of all the states as best as they can with what they got. His punching back happens when some states don’t understand this.
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