Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Biden 2020

From Woodsterman blog

From Woodsterman blog

Biden even has to read his answers from his teleprompter to pre-arranged questions to simulate a press availability ... see: Powerline blog entry. And our media is complicit! Don’t they realize what they are doing? Electing this shadow of a man as our president would be surely suicidal!



DEN said...

Kinda what they said about electing a reality show star to become president.
So, that turned out okay ---No?

After all, he can recall five words in a list person woman man camera TV, which proves he has a full set of intact marbles.

DEN said...

Afterword, For every clip you have of Biden struggling there are ten of Trump mangling words, going off into la la land and making crazy talk.

Bring on the debates!

George W. Potts said...

If one debate happens, it will be the last.

DEN said...

Biden did pretty well in the nominating debates. He won the nomination.

Trump hasn't debated anyone since Hillary. Is not practicing. Totally confident, like you, that Biden will be the choker. We'll see.....