Wednesday, September 23, 2020

My Mask

Yes, I wear a cheap Covid mask when I am in the grocery store, at the doctors and sometimes in close proximity to others elsewhere. But not at home, when outside or in the car. And, when I do wear a mask, I have to put my eyeglasses on my head because, otherwise they fog up. And why do my glasses fog up? Because my breath, goes out the top of the mask and not through it ... as must also be much of what I inhale ... which tells me that the purpose of this mask is compromised ... and it’s protection offered is less than all my betters are telling me. I can’t tell you how much less ... but I’m sure it’s far less than those much more expensive surgical masks which actually would filter my breath ... in and out ... but are pretty much restricted to hospitals.

Then why do I wear such an uncomfortable and ineffective thing? Social pressure, that’s why. What, me bowing to virtue-singaling orthodoxy? ‘Fraid so. Even your humble blogger would rather not have some crazed Karen hectoring me in front of the rutabegas. So I grope my way around the Stop and Shop ... asking other shoppers where I am or what aisle contains the mustard. Of course, I often get nasty responses even then ... because I didn’t notice the arrows on the floor ... which, if I had, would make me walk far further than my aging body would prefer.

So, yes, kind reader, to some degree, I am also a coerced member of the confused flock of sheep that follow around our scientists whose confusion and lack of preparation has enabled the demise of 200,000 other members of the flock ... a ‘grim milestone.’ Oops, I forgot, it was Trump who killed them on purpose.

If, like I, you are skeptical of Biden’s possible national mask mandate, see: Climate Depot Article



Adam Evening said...

Trump killed the 200,000 plus through negligence. And you of all people should be wary because you are a triple threat of getting the disease and dying from it. Shall I name the risks, let the count the ways. And speaking of ways, I'm sure that Biden will lead us out of the valley of death with or without your approval. Keep America White. Make the Supreme court far right.

Stalin Around said...

The KGB did some fascinating psychological experiments. They learned that if you bombard human subjects with fear messages non stop, in two months or less most subjects are completely brainwashed to believe the false message. To the point that no amount of clear information they are shown, to the contrary, can change their mind.

Keep America White. Make the Supreme Court Far Right.

George W. Potts said...

I think this applies on either side of the mask wearing hysteria ... actually more supporting the Biden mandate. People, like myself, who are skeptics ... are mostly brushing off attempts to panic us.

Dr Faux Chi said...

Recent studies show that "Mask wearing hysteria" exists mainly in the minds of faux liberty advocates. Most sensible people wear them because the seem to reduce the transmission of disease. Get a better mask, keep your specs on, shopping problem solved.

George W. Potts said...

If mask-wearing hysteria exists more on the right, it is because our older populations are the ones most susceptible and thus. most worried ... and older people generally are more conservative ... much of the motivation of the Democrats to panic us.