Sunday, February 02, 2020

Today’s Poser

Is it possible that much of the avid and seemingly forced resistance to President Trump is not really political at its base, but actually resentment of his constant winning? In other words, this man’s crude personality does not deserve the successes he too often and maddeningly achieves. Even more succinctly ... this loser should not be winning!


DEN said...

Applying Occam's Razor, I would think the obvious reason people do not want Trump to be President is that he has no regard for truth, and feels that laws do not apply to him.

ChillFin said...

Actually, I am hardened to his crude style, accepting that he is the chosen one to a minority of Americans, and that he makes "deals" by tearing things up and claiming love vibes for autocrats with no basis. But it is the rollback of environmental controls and regulations on cars, coal, air, water, and protected lands and seas that really frost me. Each one of the rollbacks is clearly not demanded by citizens but by corporations. How much do we accept new levels of pollution before we poison ourselves? DJT says we have the cleanest air and water in the world. So why dismantle the filters that make that so? That's not winning...

George W. Potts said...

Many Obama regulations were designed to put companies out of business. I confess that reversing them is pro-business ... but proving the economic trade-offs as dangerous is suspect.

ChillFin said...

Manufacturers of lead pipes, mercury thermometers, and other unnecessarily dangerous products should be put out of business. Why reverse fuel economy targets? The manufacturers were and are working toward those goals. Why complain about low-flow toilets and Edison lightbulbs? Why make it easy to dispose of industrial waste?

George W. Potts said...

And we should only use one section of toilet tissue when we wipe? Come on! Michelle’s school lunch rules meant huge amounts of food waste! Lefty governments just can’t control themselves!

ChillFin said...

No! Don't use any paper! Use your bidet!!
The school lunch mandates were a gambit. Most countries seem able to provide their students with balanced lunches that the kids chow down and look slim but the USA kids reject that food and are obese. It makes you wonder if instead of a compelling good diet, would kids and parents complain if the ONLY lunch food was a slice of pizza, a big cookie, and a Coke every day? Sort of like Kibble for Kids.

George W. Potts said...

There is a huge difference between the government motivating and compelling ...