Tuesday, November 12, 2019


President Trump’s stock-in-trade is dissonance. He seems to relish in keeping things all mixed up and then, in a feat of legerdemain, stepping back to display a masterpiece ... a hotel skyscraper, a shangrala resort, an international treaty, a booming economy, whatever. The majority of his critics seem to base their discomfort with this process by opposing him in the most bizarre ways imaginable. They create their own confusion with loopy statements. They call him a liar for his vagueness. They attack his family. They themselves tell the most outrageous half-truths and even bold-face whoppers. They work against his wishes by stealthy insubordination (and get sacked.) They leak anything even remotely damaging to a sympathetic media. They try to make him go away with an actual coup ... and, when that doesn’t work, with impeachment.

But this man is unfazed. He knows he can pull things off eventually ... and is gradually winning converts ... even among the swamp creatures. (He long ago convinced middle America that he knew what he was doing.)

Will this orange man survive the elite crazies who are still trying to destroy him so that their worlds will return to “normal” ... meaning the cushy life they had gotten used to? By all rights they should prevail. After all, how can one man stand up to all these powerful forces ... suburban women, Hollywood, academia, much of the media, the Deep State, the Davos crowd, many blowhard politicians, Omarosa and some international leaders? Matter of fact it is hard to find his consistently loyal friends. He doesn’t even have a dog.

I have a suspicion that, if he survives this balls-out impeachment attack by the Left, he may well carry the day in most other matters. If he doesn’t, yes the dissonance will go away, but America will be damaged almost beyond repair.

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