Saturday, November 21, 2015


It seems that NASA can no longer be deemed a reliable reporter of climate data ... for it has started in 2012 to alter its repository of climate station data to make it appear that the Earth is warming. Shame, shame, shame! Thanks to an astute reader for this info, it seems that NASA now stands for No Anthropogenic Statistics Accurate ... see: No Tricks Zone Revelations. This article reveals, as a result of a German geologist's inspection of variances between NASA's 2010 and 2012 data bases, massive alterations of this primary data were made by NASA to suggest global warming where none exists.

If we can't trust NASA, whom can we trust? Al Gore? Our POTUS? The U.N.? The main-stream media? Apparently none of these. Perhaps we are required to fall back on something called our common sense ... and realize that we are being taken on a falsified and fanciful rocket ship ride into the kingdom of mendacious meanies who want to frighten us with doomsday predictions in order to control our lives and empty our pockets.

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