Sunday, November 15, 2015

From God's Lips

Rush Limbaugh has had a very apt observation ...  and that is that President Obama has been "governing against the will of the American people." The latest example of which is that His Nibs is going to increase the numbers and accelerate the entry of Syrian immigrants into the United States ... see: CBC News Story. If the main-stream media were so inclined ... which I doubt ... they might commission some polling agency to inquire what percentage of the American populous would be in favor of such a boneheaded move ... particularly in the light of what just occurred in Paris. If the favorable percentage broke 10%, I would be greatly surprised.

Does this sway Obama? Has he given a horse's patootie for what popular opinion has been in the United States during his seven year dynasty? Of course not. Our president's motivations are totally without self inspection or sensitivity to the popular will. It is as though, to paraphrase that old Jewish chestnut, from God's lips directly into his ear. And, since most of Obama's major decisions have been minor disasters, either this Divine communication has been garbled ... or it has been overridden by Valarie Jarrett.

 If the vetting process for Syrian immigrants is anything like it was for the Tsarnaev family (from which emerged the Boston Marathon bombers), we are in for a very dangerous future.

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