Friday, March 10, 2023


There are many people … mostly liberals … who have buried their ill feelings toward Germany and Japan for events of less than 80 years ago … but are unwilling to forgive and forget our countrymen’s shame of 160 years ago.

If Lincoln and Grant were willing to let bygones be bygones, shouldn’t they?



ChillFin said...

Germany and Japan stopped waving their war flags and don't claim they will rise again.
Johnny Reb parades the Confederate flag like a symbol of honor even in our Capitol. One woke initiative that I agree with 100% is the removal of statues of losers and the Confederate flag embedded in state flags.

George W. Potts said...

Many Confederate soldiers who didn’t benefit from slavery … in fact, who were punished economically by it … still shed their blood … and are the ancestors of our Southerners today, both black and white.

Vitriol for such countrymen is a sorry symptom of Biden’s sick bear baiting.