Monday, February 06, 2023

Victor Davis Hanson

“If you destroy America’s meritocracy, you will annul America’s greatness.” — Fletcher

Victor Davis Hanson was on “Life, Liberty and Levin” on Sunday night blowing away the cloudy thinking that today permeates our sick society … contrasting our current woke revolution being led by our elite organizations with the bottom-up rebellion of the 60’s Flower Children. And he made a convincing case that it is not equality that is the bugabear … it is “equity” … insisting on equal outcomes … that may bring us down. Please read his argument: The Extablishment is the Revolution … and muse on his impeccable logic.

And then decide if you still want to march with our elite squishes.

Afterward: Actually, you can watch it here.



DEN said...

No one I know believes that "equal outcomes" is attainable. I think "equal opportunity" is the goal. Individual results are based on luck and talent.

George W. Potts said...

Emerge from your woke cocoon … “”