Thursday, November 03, 2022

The Future?


Pilgrim, please take 24 minutes out of your crowded day to watch the above video … and garner a taste of what lies in the future as constructed by our betters. I don’t know about you, but these guys are more tech savvy than 99% of Americans.

(Found on daily timewaster blog.)



ChillFin said...

I thought we gave up on GM, and more specifically Hummer. With MPG around 11, it is nearly the worst people mover on the highway. I had zero hopes that GM could apply their EV "wizardry" to make a vehicle that works. These guys might be more tech savvy but they are stupid shoppers. And made it work toward the end of the reel?

George W. Potts said...

They are not shoppers … they are EV testers. Note that they also had a Ford F-150 Lightning.