Tuesday, February 02, 2021



AstraZeneca to deliver 9M more coronavirus vaccine doses to European Union

Silver jumps11%, the most in 11 years as Reddit traders try their squeeze play with the metal

Taiwan says Chinese fighters and U.S. aircraft have entered defense zone

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken orders LGBT flags flown at U.S. embassies

Hundreds arrested in anti-lockdown protest in Brussels

10 Republican Senators present Biden with smaller Covid relief proposal, call for compromise

Maxine Waters paid daughter over $1.1 million using campaign cash

Left-wing columnist: Put the Republican Party on the domestic terror list

Warren says GameStop saga is latest sign of Wall Street problems

Elon Musk says he is a supporter of Bitcoin and thinks  it will get ‘broad acceptance’ in finance

Project Veritas video allegedly shows FaceBook execs discusssing censorship with Biden admin

Nor’easter hits East Coast


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