Wednesday, February 03, 2021


Why would a naturalized-citizen billionaire spend millions to piss in his country’s soup? The Hungarian-born hedge fund manager, George Soros, is trying to turn the United States into a drug-riddled, rampant-crime dystopia.

He has spent millions sponsoring voter initiatives to legalize marijuana and, now harder drugs in state after state ... and generally succeeded. 

Now, to top this serious mischief off, he has been funding the election of District Attorneys in Philadelphia, St. Louis, Los Angeles, Boston and many other locals who have pledged not to prosecute a number of crimes such as shoplifting, child abuse, resisting arrest and more social-order-disrupting felonies.

Why would he do these things? I have no answer other than he, like so many more American poobahs, is evil to his bones ... and hates his country.

May he burn in hell!


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