Tuesday, July 14, 2020


I guess I don’t and will never understand people who are proud about what they don’t know. If I get caught in an information hole, I am embarrassed and try to fill it back up. 

These “know-nothings” don’t watch FoxNews. Some will not read the New York Times. Others don’t want to know any details about Obamagate. Too many won’t follow the debate about climate change ... they just know that it’s going to burn us alive. I myself even resent my wife’s subscribing online to that rag of a newspaper, the Boston Globe ... but I do chuckle when she reads me its dellusional stories.

People’s information tastes are fickled ... and often driven by fads and cocktail party conversation. However, wearing ignorance as a badge of honor has me baffled.

Afterward ... read: Bari Weiss leaves the NYT.


ChillFin said...

We choose the categories of knowledge that interest us most. The push and pull of back room political posturing appeals to you but to many of us it is a pugilistic event where people and positions we don’t like are striving to beat out the good guys. Many of us are more satisfied with the evolution of technology. Others are humanitarians who only want to feed, clothe, and shelter the disadvantaged. Ignorance has flavors and camps. So kudos to you for being a vessel of the pure truth of your information sources.

George W. Potts said...

Merci ...

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed your words of wisdom: "Know-Nothings"----right on target.

DEN said...

You are so right. People should watch the same biased bullshit night after night in hopes that they will learn something. Pretty soon the most absurd claims begin to make sense, and everyone who does not agree with you is ignorant, and proud of it. Keep calling them out.
If your shoulder hurts from patting yourself on the back, I have some cure-all snake oil for you.

George W. Potts said...

Sounds like I hit home ...

Genius Barr said...

You who claim to be of such wide knowledge base yet continue to subscribe to and parlay the most debunked conspiracy theories has me baffled. What am I missing?

George W. Potts said...

Curiosity and an open mind?

DEN said...

Yes, I am proud of my self for not wasting my time, scouring the Internets for dirt on decent people, maligning their accomplishments and reputations, in the vile service of an orange barking clown who has no loyalties and no sense of decency. I would not fool myself into thinking I am open-minded if I devoted my blog to demeaning people who disagree with me, like some 6th grade schoolyard bully.

What is truly baffling is why some people cannot see that the emperor has no clothes.

George W. Potts said...

You are more oozing with vindictive than even the target of your vitriol. There is a delicious bit of irony here.

Axel Grabowsky said...

As you well know, George, I often do not agree with your interpretation of the news. But your comment about willful ignorance is right on. We are so very fortunate in this country that there is in fact diverse and often contradictory news. We are so very unfortunate that a large swath (in fact, a very large swath) of the electorate don't use it and remain willfully ignorant.

George W. Potts said...

Thanks! You sound like my new hero, Bari Weiss ... see: https://www.thedailybeast.com/new-york-times-opinion-writer-bari-weiss-leaves-newspaper