Thursday, March 01, 2018

Yin and Yang

Contrasting dots are called "transgenders"

The age-old conflict between the feminime forces (Yin) and the masculine forces (Yang) in our society has been brought into sharp focus by the school massacre in Lakeland, Florida and the ensuing battle over gun control. In order to understand this schism, I thought I might classify some teams in the news as being under Yin and Yang:

- Use of the term "toxic masculinity"
- Pepper spray
- Sheriff Israel
- Barack Obama
- #MeToo
- Canada
- Chardonnay
- "Pretty Woman
- canapés

- Use of the term "wusses"
- AR-15
- Hillary Clinton
- Harvey Weinstein
- Fox News
- North Korea
- Harpoon IPA
- "Die Hard"
- Buffalo wings


ChillFin said...

You do prefer your assessments to be polarized. I take four from yin, reclassify two as yang, and drop the others. Then i take three from yang, reclassify one, and drop the others. You left students and teachers out of the yin side.

George W. Potts said...

Pretty much a donut, eh?