Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Racial Slur?

The Pitch: During a meeting honoring the few remaining World War II Navajo "code talkers," President Trump rather clumsily referred to Senator Elizabeth Warren with his per term "Pocahontas" (because she pretended to be an American Indian to get a job at UPenn and Harvard when they were seeking "faculty diversity").

The Swing: Senator Warren quickly accused Trump of making a "racial slur" for using the term "Pocahontas" while in the presence of American Indians. Understandably,Warren's slam quickly echoed through the national liberal media.

The Call: After the meeting, one of the Navajo code talkers said that during the war when they were parachuting out of planes the Army told them to shout "Geronimo!" He added that that they weren't insulted then and they aren't insulted now by Trump. "Your out!"

Next Batter: Senator Warren once again has egg all over her "high cheek-boned" face.


DEN said...

The Navajos showed a lot more class than the POTUS. It is mystifying to read your defense of Trump's vulgarity and ignorance, when every time Obama scratched his nose you accused him of flipping a bird. The only ones with egg on their faces are those who try to distract us from the real phony and his daily, unhinged, rants.

George W. Potts said...

I did say his comment was clumsy. One can easily argue that the truly unhinged are the never-Trumpers. Read back over all your comments ...

DEN said...

I just read all of my comments. I found then cogent, interesting, honest, succinct, spelled correctly and properly hinged. You cannot dismiss me as a "never-trumper." If you read my comments (which you seem to skim, rather than read) you will realize that I just reacted to his (and your defense of his) manifested unfitness.

DEN said...

PS "Clumsy" is inadequate to the moment.

George W. Potts said...

Your comments (IMHO) = uninformed, petty, vindictive, biased, smutty, uber-liberal, flippant, banal, repetitive, silly, repetitive, curmudgeonic, dishonest, thin-skinned, naive, unhinged, milk-soppy, verbose, clumsy Democrat talking points.

DEN said...

Well now that you started name calling let me just observe that your blog posts are hypocritical, sexist, racist, unfunny, self serving, crazy, redundant, illogical, evil, astonishingly wrong and vapid. But that's just MHO. There are a lot of typos, too. Nah-nah.

ChillFin said...

I am offended on Den’s behalf. His comments are IMHO are informed, unbiased, centrist, and progressive. How you can continue defending Trump’s every action is beyond me. Did you see his retweets of unverified Muslim beatings and destruction of statuary? This is the POTUS stoking fires. Defend that.

ChillFin said...

Senator Warren could sink to Trump’s level by routinely referencing Trump’s magical heel spurs that were not an issue when he played squash and football in college, yet got an unremembered doctor to write an unknown letter for 1-Y deferment. Magically the problem resolved so well that Trump cannot recall which foot it was or whether it was both feet. That is a far more chilling and callous act than vaguely recalling an ancestor speaking of Native American heritage.

George W. Potts said...

"Poop" ...

George W. Potts said...

Patronizing and churlish ...

DEN said...

Chill, I appreciate your pithy analysis of my previous comments. We both forgot to mention my acerbic humor.