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By Rodin |
Donald Trump is a sinner ... a maddeningly unrepentant sinner ... often a social embarrassment. He somehow continually takes the Democrat's tainted bait and says and tweets stupid things ... non-political things ... un-PC things ... statements defending his ego against trivial taunts .. like "he hasn't sacrificed for his country." These are, to me, pissing contests amounting to next to nothing and not of lasting consequence. As I have said before, Trump's guttural mutterings are venial sins ... sins that can be forgiven by spending time in media purgatory.
On the other hand Hellary Clinton is much more polished than Trump with her panel-tested rhetoric. She does, of course, frequently lie ... but she does it like a good politician and not a playground bully. But there is a real difference ... these lies deal with much more serious sins ... her sins costing lives ... her sins involving national security breaches ... her sins that exchange our nation's assets for personal gain ... her sins that cover up repugnant malfeasances of family members and associates ... or, to Christendom, definitely mortal sins.
Venial sins are easily forgiven ... mortal sins, not so readily. I would much rather be embarrassed than decapitated ... red faced vs. no faced. Mortal sins swing wide open the Gates of Hell. Venial sins just leave them slightly ajar. So far, I have not seen any mortal sins committed by Donald Trump, He may have some, I just haven't seen them. I hope I don't. Because, if I do, then there will be an absolute moral equivalency between these two candidates. Then I couldn't vote for either of them. As of now, I still will vote for the venial sinner ... not that I am happy about it ... but it is what my Sunday-School-learned morality dictates.
Afterward: I changed "cardinal" to "mortal" and "venal" to "venial."
Venal means "showing or motivated by susceptibility to bribery." If you are seeking the Catholic sin ratings, a venial sin (meaning "forgivable" sin) is a lesser sin that does not result in a complete separation from God and eternal damnation in Hell as an unrepented mortal sin would.
Trump's mortal sins have been hidden from public scrutiny.
His collection of venial sins seems to be an effort to alienate everyone for one reason or another.
Thanks, I fixed things ...
George, you left out one characteristic of school yard bullies in your otherwise good description of Trump: they are invariably cowards. I don't think we want a coward safeguarding things for us in the White House. So, I can't vote for him. I can't vote for Hillary either. Any suggestions?
If there were an easy answer ... Unfortunately, this seems not the year for nice guys/girls finishing first. As bad as Trump is, I kinda doubt if anyone else might have a chance against the force of evil in this upcoming election.
Yes, they both lie. My point was that what she lies about is far more consequential and evil. Are you throwing in with Khan?
Apparently, "Moral Equivalency" exists in the mind of the beholder.
Not according to the Catholic Church ...
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