Friday, February 07, 2020

News Flash!

Adam Schiff, with Nancy Pelosi’s blessing, has initiated another Trump impeachment inquiry in the House Intelligence Committee ... this time for gloating at yesterday’s prayer breakfast and press conference. It is also rumored that Trump’s failure to shake Pelosi’s hand at his State of the Union address will be a separate count. Schiff, in his announcement said that Trump’s actions were a ‘Constitutional crisis’ and ‘no one is above the law.’

Schiff’s list of expected witnesses in these new hearings includes Michael Avenatti, Vladimir Putin, Carol Blasey Ford, Baron Trump, Mitt Romney and Joy Bahar. The stated schedule for these hearings has an expected end-date this coming October.


  1. This attempt at humor falls flatter than Trump's draft dodging feet.

  2. I thought it was bone spurs?

  3. Was not convenient to my metaphor

  4. In 1934 Nazi leader Adolf Hitler orders a bloody purge of his own political party, assassinating hundreds of Nazis whom he believed had the potential to become political enemies in the future.

    Watch as history repeats

  5. You libs constant use of Nazi and Hitler analogies for Trump is beyond tiresome ... it is becoming demented.


  6. 1. Do you deny that Trump's heroes are Kim Jon-Un, Vlad Putin and other autocrats?
    2. Would you repeal the 22nd amendment to keep Trump in power indefinitely?
    3. Do you think Crazy Nancy and Shifty Schiff should be sent to prison?

  7. 1. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer
    2. No ... not even for a second term
    3. If malfeasance can be proved, yes
