Friday, February 07, 2020

Jousting Realities

President Trump has introduced a new reality to the American people ... and it is clearly catching hold ... and, seems certain, will prevail. Possibly because of the unorthodox way that he operates, his new reality is being resisted ... with a red-hot vengeance. Is this resistance due to the tenets of this new reality ... or to the way he is selling it? I am not sure ... but I suspect the latter. Yet clearly the devotees to the old world order are up in arms ... as exhibited by their rabid rhetoric and unbalanced actions.

Was this old reality really so bad? It had to have been seriously flawed ... otherwise why is it being abandoned by so many ... not just in America ... but around the world? And, if anything, Trump is hardly a great orator ... yet his clumsy way of communicating still resonates with his growing fan base. There clearly was a malaise among a great many people ... that things weren’t right ... and Trump ... somehow ... was the one to fix things.

I won’t reiterate the details of this malaise ... they are obvious ... just listen to all that the Democrat candidates for president are promising ... even more of same will fix things.  But the Trump resisters somehow embrace these ideologies ... like the frantic tadpoles relish that last bit of water in a drying-up pond.


  1. Trump has a vocabulary of 600 words. He doesn't read. He gets his talking points from Sean Hannity and Rush. When he goes off script he rambles like a dotard. Drugged-up. He cannot be trusted. 'Unorthodox' is just a euphemism for 'psychotic'. The wold is not a simple place. Trump cultists will discover that fact too late. Too bad so many lack a working shit detector.

  2. I have no doubt that Trump might have some down days ... but then, one might offer, that the Deep State has already created for him quite a few.
