Tuesday, March 07, 2017

The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight

How is it that Trump won this past election? It seemed impossible. Everything and everyone were against him ... the CIA, Hillary and the entire Clinton crime family, the FISA court, Black Lives Matter, the Muslim Brotherhood, the FBI, Planned Parenthood, the Mainstream Media, the Bush family, George Soros and his numerous well-funded tentacles, the NSA, the European Union's non-elected bureaucrats, one Gold Star family, "pussy" women, Hollywood's glitterati, snowflakes, the Congressional "Women in White", most university professors, Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schumer, the teachers' unions, Barack Obama's posse, even Trump's most dangerous foe, Valarie Jarrett, for heaven's sake.

What happened? This is impossible! It couldn't happen! Might it be that this formidable line-up of antagonists were impotent? That this was the gang that couldn't shoot straight? No, this can't be! Trump must have had outside help. Russia, that's it! Russia! Vladamir Putin obviously activated all his US sleeper cells left over from the 60s and 70s ... all those Vietnam protesters, all those grown-up left-wing tie-dye-wearing hippies ... and had them subvert Hillary's campaign ... and then vote for Trump.

Wait a damn minute! These are many of the same people as in the first paragraph! Something's wrong! It doesn't add up!

Please, dear reader, do not take this slam against the radical left as suggesting that this gang doesn't have any more ammunition. They clearly do have many more bandoleers and are still capable of doing serious damage with enough and sustained firepower. If it does become clear that Obama's gang did tap Trump Tower phones, then I expect them to switch to howitzers. So, expecting this group to give up is naive and could be fatal!


  1. The left was lulled unto believing that it had this election wrapped up while Trump kept tossing raw meat to his rabid carnivores.

    Cognitive analytics and psychological operations are mining our collective data to direct our politics.

    Read this:

    1. Navel gazing ... I think that the Left is in denial about how Trump's message is resonating across America. They feel that it shouldn't, therefore it doesn't. Just watch Mika's morning meltdowns as an example.

  2. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Check out Trump's connection with the Iranian mob. He's going down bigly.

  3. You did not read the article, did you? You just stared at your own navel and cast judgement.

    Consider that Mercer is an ex-IBM AI wonk that is involved with "Cambridge Analytica [a company that] makes the astonishing boast that it has psychological profiles based on 5,000 separate pieces of data on 220 million American voters – its USP is to use this data to understand people’s deepest emotions and then target them accordingly."

    1. Like most, I read about half of it. If a writer can't write the gist up front, then I lose interest. Astonishing boast sounds about right.

  4. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Trump won because he lied to the voters: 1) about jobs, ask how many miners are back at work, and how many people did GM just lay off, 2) He lied about ACA, wait till no one can afford the new plan 3) He lied at building a wall, do you see one going up 4) He lied about gun control, that Hillary would take away your 2nd amendment rights, 5) He lied about never taking a vacation or golfing, how many nights has he spent in Florida since Jan 21. The list goes on and on and those blue collar schmucks are crying in their soup. Bread lines start soon.

    1. Now, I know that we shouldn't have voted in recreational Mary Jane ...

  5. Ah! You are a drive-by reader. You want the Cliff's Notes intro: "Good read. A determined plutocrat and a brilliant media strategist can, and have, found a way to mould journalism to their own ends. The butler did it. There. Astonishing statements are not really astonishing. Ho hum. No need to read further."

    'nuf said. You could put that into one, maybe two, tweets. Full stop.

    1. Actually after musing on this data aggregator further, how would these people not know 1) How many illegal immigrants there are, 2) If they have voted, 3) Are they felons, 4) Are they receiving any form of welfare, 5) are they likely terrorists ... and many, many more questions that our lame government is clueless about. They might even know what Obama's college grades were ...

    2. And the SSA and IRS could use the folks to check the details of their claims ... 1) Disability present?, 2) Number and ages of children, 3) Employment history, 4) Residence location, 5) Own car, home, boat, etc., etc., etc. This could be loads of fun!!

    3. You are skewing what I believe is their data: It is metadata. Facebook/Twitter/IM likes, user references for news comments/repostings/forwardings, home page demographics, groups joined, location, friends plus their profiles/demographics/friends.
      Google pages you visit and how often and how long before you link out. Where you click through to.

      That is what they could know easily. They would NOT KNOW legally those aspects you note unless people are offering them out there.
