Wednesday, March 08, 2017


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites. 

Guess which ones came from Politico?

Kremlin-backed media turns on Trump ...

Former CIA Director slams DRUDGE [Report] for peddling 'illigimate' world view

GOP refuses to back Trump's wiretap charge

Nobody likes the Obamacare replacement

Trump proud to support GOP healthcare bill

Trump: GOP healthcare bill 'up for review and negotiation'

Trump, Netanyahu discuss antisemitism, Iran danger in phone call

Supreme Court throws out transgender case, sends it back to lower court

NSA whistleblower backs Trump on wiretapping claims ...

Panama ex-dictator, Noriega, in critical condition after brain surgery ...

Nike introduces swoosh branded Muslim hajib sportswear

Trump campaign approves advisers trip to Moscow

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