Tuesday, March 07, 2017


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites. 

Guess which ones came from Politico?

Former Bush AG: Trump right, there was surveillance ...

Rob Reiner: Trump is 'mentally unstable'

Liberals to Senate Democrats: Step up the Gorsuch fight

Comey turns on Trump

[NYT's] Kristol urges IRS agents to leak Trump's tax returns

Chicago goes 6 days without homicide for first time since 2012 ...

NYC Mayor DeBlasio hiding 500,000 illegals, vows to resist immigration laws

NYC dumps Kellogg's cereals because of health concerns

White House wants it both ways on revised travel ban

Norway: Immigration Minister slammed for wearing crucifix in 'vile attack'

Canadian border patrol struggling with wave fleeing USA

FL judge orders Trump immigration order unconstitutional

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