Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Some Poignant Questions

"Poignant" may not be the right word ... perhaps "embarrassing" or even "rhetorical" would be better? Anyway these queries should somehow be answered:

How many Somali refugees have been settled in Wellesley? Bethesda? Oak Park? Brentwood?

How many more years can college tuition increases significantly outpace our inflation rate?

Why did no financial executives or politicians go to jail as a result of the sub-prime mortgage crisis?

Will Amazon keep its market share as it raises prices finally to generate merchandising profits?

What will be our appropriate response be to North Korea or Iran after their first atomic  attack?

What does Chuck Schumer feel is gained by slowing down President Trump's appointments?

Will the media ever revert back to ,nationalistic jingoism like in the early Twentieth century?

Was the Monty Python canary really dead and did the cheese shop have any cheese whatsoever?


  1. Here are a few "Yes-or-No" questions, where the answer is always "yes.":
    Did Trump tweet about Obama hacking of Trump Tower to shift attention from Russia contact probe? Did Trump ever say that he "loves Wilileaks?" Is Trump likely to start war with North Korea as pretext to stifle criticism as unpatriotic? Are we in deep shit?

  2. To the original set of ponderables:
    1. how many were settled in counties that voted more than 60% Trump?
    2. the increases are in line with pharma and ceo gains so... never
    3. they bought their way off the hook. Seems that some low level managers would have gotten the rap.
    4. yes
    5. depends on where the nuke lands
    6. because the appointees are so eclectic and atypical
    7. ?? like Breitbart and Fox do today?
    8. a. he was pining for the fjords, b. not a scrap

  3. To DEN: Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Not deep but sinking with no sense of a bottom yet.
