Tuesday, March 07, 2017

The Cakewalk

Charles Murry of the American Enterprise Institute was just violently forced to abandon his presentation at Middlebury College in Vermont because of his well-researched views on minority achievement ... see: US News and World Report Story. This is another of the many stains on our system of liberal arts education which has been captured by the loony left.

Flashback: When I was in college in New Hampshire well over fifty years ago, Middlebury College held a raucous mid-winter festival that they called "Cakewalk" ... a winter carnival celebrating new life in the new year.

One small update, the "cakewalk" was a riotous high-stepping dance that originated in the minstrel shows of the late Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries. This unthinking celebration at Middlebury included not only this rigorous dance, but also parties that sometimes included participants in Bojangles blackface. Gasp!

How strange a path we have traveled within a "liberal arts education."

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