Saturday, February 25, 2017


Note the Trump picture selected ...

These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites.

University of Washington declares proper English usage is racist

Google sues Uber over driverless tech ...

Police: nerve agent [VX] found on Kim Jong Un's dead brother

White House selectively blocks news outlets from Spicer briefings

Trump falsely claims that Obamacare covers 'very few people'

State senator wants to strip Clinton name from Little Rock airport

Trump Tower opens in Vancouver, mayor wants to take off name

Witches unite to cast 'binding spell' on Trump and followers

Bolton: Use of nerve gas proves North Korea is crazy, irrational, and dangerous

Netherlands holds inquiry on whether it could ditch Euro ...

Trans wrestler wins in first round of girls tournament ...

Starbucks brand crashes after announcement of plan to hire 10,000 Muslim 'refugees'

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