Saturday, February 25, 2017

Battle of the Titans

From Powerline

Former Education Secretary Bill Bennett was on Fox and Friends this morning talking about the war between President Trump and much of the media. Clearly this media is in full-throated revolt against our president and, as per Bennett, one reason for the intensity of this combat, is that Trump doesn't seem to give a tinker's damn. Of course, the other reason is that Trump fights back calling some of them "fake news." How dare he!? It is these people who are the arbiters of what is important in the halls of government ... and any usurpation of this position of power, even more powerful than the government itself, is an attack on the Constitution ... as reported by those who often treat the Constitution as a doormat.

Who will win this battle of the Titans? Can Trump prevail against those who buy their ink by the barrel? Clearly the tactics of the more outrageous of the media outlets are getting more and more underhanded ... hopefully not escaping the notice of the American people. Trump is playing a very dangerous game here ... but, if he prevails, the media might just slink back into the role of greater journalistic purity.

Wouldn't that be special?


  1. The MSM should just stop covering Trump and White House events altogether. Use only authorized press releases and transcriptions of Breibart/Fox briefings in full and verbatim without comment or opinion. That would be journalistically pure, wouldn't it?

    1. Kinda like how the MSM covered Obama?
