Saturday, February 25, 2017

Color Me Skeptical

There is quite a bit of excitement about the possibility of autonomous autos. If in 20 years or so "driverless" are the only cars, buses and trucks on the roads (as breathlessly predicted), then the following diverse conveyances will have become automous. Color me skeptical at least because of these:

- The Indianapolis 500

- Street sweepers

- Emergency vehicles

- Road graders/pavers

- Parade floats

- Mail-route mini-trucks

- Gear-shift vehicles

- Dump trucks

- Funeral processions

- UPS trucks

- Off-road and all-terrain vehicles

- Low riders

- Pavement marking vehicles

- Drive-thru windows

- Car chases

- Garbage trucks

- Snow plows

- Monster truck shows

- Antique autos

- School buses

- Tandem trailer trucks

- High school senior-day honk-a-thons

- Parking space searches

- Clown cars

- Specialized recyclables pick-up trucks

Do I make my point?

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