Tuesday, December 27, 2016


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites.

Israel to build more settlements in defiance of UN ...

Christmas in Chicago, 43 shot ...

China's 1st aircraft carrier sails into South [China] Sea ...

Space Mining: the intergalactic gold rush is already on

Obama blames the media for not telling rural America how awesome he is

Senate Dems condemn Obama ...

Krauthammer: Israeli settlement [UN] vote, 'a US operation all the way'

50th Anniversary of Kwanzaa kicks off in L.A.

Consumer confidence highest since '01

Buffet, biggest gainer in '16 ...fortune swells $12.3 billion

Gun-controlled Chicago fast approaching 800 homicides for 2016

Kitten survives 600 mile trip under hood of truck

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