Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Robot-proof Jobs

Yale Professor and Nobel Prize winner, Robert Schiller has predicted that robots are a bigger threat to job creation than globalization ... see: Breitbart Article. So his forecast has got me to thinking about what jobs might be spared this degenerative fate. If I were constructing such a list of robot-proof jobs five years ago, I might have included cabbies and hookers. Not so anymore!  Anyway here is a partial list of what seem to be safe bets ... at least for the next 25 years:

Surfing Instructors, Snowplow Drivers, Psychiatrists, Crossing Guards, Hunting Guides, Orderlies, Bartenders, Marriage Counselors,Tugboat Captains, Beggers, Firemen, Jockeys, Flight Attendants, Rappers, Politicians, Manicurists, Dog Walkers, Electricians, Critics, Street Mimes, Morticians, Talk Show Hosts, Nurses, Divorce Lawyers, Santa Clauses, Robot Repairers, Cartoonists, Tax Collectors, Trapeze Artists, First Violinists, School Bus Drivers, Soap Opera Actors, Judges, Plumbers, Blogsters

I better stop ... it does seem endless. And so, although most manufacturing jobs might disappear, it seems that there will always be many unique service jobs ...

Afterward: See also: Market Watch Item.

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