Wednesday, December 28, 2016


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites.

Carie Fisher on Harrison Ford: 'I love him and he will always be special to me'

Federal Appeals Court invites Trump's AG to enter Clinton e-mail case

Commissioner Silver urges NBA to disrupt Trump White House ...

Judge indicts former Argentina president Fernandez in corruption case

Obama food stamp boom, 10.7 million added to rolls ... 32% increase

Reid: Democrat White House options for 2020 resemble 'an old folks home'

The United Nations gets KRAUTHAMMERED: Trump should change it into condos

Obama to punish Russia for 'election interference'

Germany considers fining Facebook $522,000 per fake news item ...

GW University history majors no longer required to take U.S. history

Mystery investor wants to 'flip' Trump's boyhood home

HGTV knows not to upset people: How network beat out CNN in '16 ...

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