Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Reverse Midas Touch

Manure is flying all over the place and the fan has not even been turned on yet. FBI Director James Comey is being besmirched by many for his letter to Congress last week reversing his decision on Servergate. However, what is forgotten is that Attorney General Loretta Lynch had told Comey that this Hellary Clinton e-mail issue was his to decide because she had been compromised. What would normally be a Justice Deptartment prerogative was shifted to the FBI. And why was this? The Arizona airport meeting between Lynch and Bill Clinton basically soured the normal process and put the weight of the world on Comey's shoulders.

So the real source of this shit storm is Bill Clinton for his out-of-bounds meeting with our Attorney General just days before her decision was to be made on Hellary's e-mail server fecal faux pas. So we now see that the Clinton couple has once again tarnished two major American institutions. This couple has an alchemist knack for turning gold into baby poop ... a reverse Midas touch if you will.

Starting over 40 years ago with Hellary being tossed off of the Watergate Committee for untrustworthiness ... through her dangerous screwing around with our health-care system ... then including Bill Clinton's amoral sullying of the White House ... to SecState Hillary's feckless destruction of the Middle East ... through many other doo-doo details that the Clintons have left in their wake as they have defiled individual and institution after individual and institution.

Basically just about anything that this evil couple touches turns to excrement ... and yet millions of Americans want to put them back into the White House! Go figure?!


  1. Millions of Americans just dont want DJT in WH.
