Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Do That Thing

I recently discovered and praised the columnist Ross Douthat when he wrote his NYT OpEd zinging Hellary Clinton ... most of which I agreed with ... see: Who He? Now I may have second thoughts. Mr. Douthat has returned the previous favor by taking Donald Trump to task for most of his known foibles ... he will likely cause economic and stock market disruptions, foment social unrest, and redefine international relations ... all very possible ... see: The Dangers of Donald Trump. I think that we, who support Trump, believe that these risks are the price that has to be paid for our years of taking the easy way out.

I suppose I should hold this blog entry until after the election but even-handedness seems to dictate. So here, to assuage my conscious ... and for those of you who don't follow links is a rather confusing Douthat triple negative closing passage. See if you think he is for or against voting for Trump. (He does write for the NY Times after all):

I may be wrong. But none of my fears (and I have many) of what a Hillary Clinton presidency will bring are strong enough to make me want to run the risk of being proven right.

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