Tuesday, November 01, 2016


Hillary reboots 'vast right-wing conspiracy' playbook ...

Sun quiet again as colder than normal winter approaches

Australia to ban illegal migrants forever

North Carolina NAACP suing to protect blacks from a [voting] purge

Report: DOJ tried repeatedly to kill FBI investigation of Clinton Foundation

Study: Half of Obamacare patients skipping doctor visits to cut costs

HuffPo: 'Muhammad was history's first feminist'

[Senator Jeff] Sessions: 817,740 [illegal immigrants] crossed last year!

NYT Friedman: Hillaty has 'no one to blame except herself

Wikileaks e-mail: Robby Mook is 'close to' operative who oversaw agitators at Trump rallies

Sex robots [with] fully functional genitalia ...

DNC Donna [Brazile] prays for divine intervention, 'Please God, let this end soon.'

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