Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Money Spigot

The Clinton Foundation has a large list of benefactors ... 181 at latest estimate ... all that occurred during Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State ... many giving enormous amounts, including the Gates Foundation, the Walton Foundation and Coca Cola ... see: Vox Listing for all the donors to this smelly "slush fund." What was the purpose of all this largess ... it clearly can't all be "for the children?" And since it has been reported that only 6% of the hundreds of million dollars of money that the Clinton Foundation received actually went directly for charitable purposes (see: Breitbart Article), there is even a greater appearance of how this foundation was operating on the far ethical edge during Hillary's term in Foggy Bottom ... and most likely still is.

When President Eisenhower left office, he warned ... in his farewell address to Congress ... of the military/industrial complex, This clearly has been supplanted by the government administration/charitable foundation complex ... not as short and snappy a phrase ... but probably far more insidious.

Afterward: And for even more to add to the dishonor roll see these disclosures ... Washington Post Article.

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