Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Both the mayor and police chief of Baltimore, Maryland are black ... but this didn't mitigate the rioting that has occurred in this city after the funeral of Freddie Gray, a black youth who was killed in police custody last week ... see: UK Daily Mai Story. Even the feckless mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio, handled similar rioting there better than did the mayor of Baltimore  ... who essentially gave the demonstrators there permission to riot and "space to destroy things." What was she thinking?

And so Baltimore has a black black eye ... and many businesses there will have to think twice about rebuilding and reopening.

The futility of such mayhem escapes me and most civilized people ... but apparently this Freddie Gray tragedy somehow gives license for feral behavior on the part of enough of the city's youths to besmirch this city for years to come. What a pity ...

The only real suggestion that I have is that there are enough cell-phone pictures and news coverage that dozens of rioters and looters can be identified and arrested. The justice system in Baltimore should be swift and tough on these miscreants. If the governance there were so inclined, perhaps ... just perhaps, this might assuage such future criminal behavior.

In the end, justice should be served ... else it will be subverted.

Afterward: There are some reasonable law-abiding parents in Baltimore ... see:ABC News Video. Good for her!

After Afterward: And here is a picture of the good Baltimore citizens lining up to protect their police force:

From reddit

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