Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Out of Whack

The mayor of Baltimore, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, caused possibly hundreds of millions of dollars of damage in her city two nights ago by pulling back her law enforcement officers because ...  get this please ...  because she feared that many of the rioters were high school students and she didn't want them to be injured ... see: Baltimore Sun Article. She decided to give them "space to destroy." Forget the fact that 15 of her police officers, who had been told to stand down, were hospitalized much due to this asinine decision on her part.

Yet, if any of these same students are found to have bullied anyone else in their high school, the wrath of Khan is visited upon their heads.

I don't want to besmirch all liberals by painting with such a broad brush, but such left-wing notions seem all too commonplace and suggests a denial of reality. May I conclude that the mayor's tilt was predictably out of whack?

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