Friday, November 03, 2023

A Parrot Tale (Repost)


A parrot lover walks into a pet store looking for a bird.

One catches his eye and he asks the shopkeeper, “How much?”

The shopkeeper says “$200”

After the shopkeeper walks away, the parrot says, “Psst pal, I’m not worth that much … I’ve got no legs.”

The parrot lover asks, “How do you stay on your perch?”

The parrot answers, “They wrap my penis around the perch.”

The parrot lover confronts the shopkeeper with this fact and gets the parrot for only $50 … and takes it home as his new buddy.

The next day the parrot lover comes home from work and the parrot says, “Psst pal, your wife has been unfaithful to you.”

The parrot lover asks, “How do you know that?”

The parrot responds, “Well, the mailman delivered a package today and your wife asked him in. They sat on the couch and started kissing. The mailman put his hand between your wife’s legs.”

The parrot lover, “What happened next?”

The parrot, “I don’t know … I fell off my perch.”


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