Saturday, September 02, 2023

Cheeseburger in Paradise

Le Select Cafe

Back in the 1970s I did some consulting for a man who owned a house in St. Barths. He was generous beyond my fees and let my wife and small kids spend a few vacations on this idyllic island … before it was spoiled by the glitterati from around the world.

My family often lunched at the small cafe Le Select in downtown Gustavia where the cheeseburgers were special. 

Yes Pilgrim, if you get my drift, this is the same cafe memorialized by Jimmy Buffet in his famous “Cheeseburger in Paradise” hut.

Fast forward to the late 1990s when my family made our last visit to this same house in St. Barths … but this time my son brought his girlfriend, a fine woman who was a Parrot-head. And this time that cafe had been bought by Buffet and renamed the Paradise Cafe. And lucky for us, Buffet was giving regular Friday night free jam sessions at his cafe … where my son and his girl had front row seats. I think that night sealed the deal for my son’s girlfriend … for she is now his wife.

Thanks and RIP, Jimmy.


1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I was there too…. ;)