Wednesday, January 04, 2023

Traditional Values


First, let’s do the wind-up:

Both political parties have their squishes … but somehow Democrats, of late, seem to be falling over themselves to inject heretofore antisocial norms into their agendas:

- encouraging illegal aliens to break into our country

- releasing violent felons back into our society with no bail

- allowing naked men … who claim to be women …  to shower with them

- grooming young children with sexually explicit drag-queen shows

- relaxing voting laws to the point of inviting election fraud

- in the name of “equity,” eliminating our country’s meritocracy

- encouraging abortions right up to the time of birth … and even afterwards

- prodding children to change their gender identity … and their pronoun and plumbing.

- wishing America would emulate China’s autocratic policies

- flaunting the tenets of good fiscal management

Now the pitch:

What in God’s name has caused the preponderance of wrong-headedness on the left?


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