Monday, February 07, 2022

Obvious Truth


Seldom do the expectations for a benign outcome from foreign policy initiatives (the Nixon-Kissinger opening to China) work out as predicted. One should always expect countries to operate in their own best self-interest.  — Fletcher

Afterward: The United States, under Biden, being the notable exception.

After afterward: Maybe I should have said “under Liberals” … and, by that, I include Bush 43.



ChillFin said...

Your camp has gotten so far to the right that Dubya is viewed as a liberal. Just wow.

George W. Potts said...

I think W voted for Hillary … and isn’t foreign interventionism a Liberal thing?

Now suddenly Dick Cheney is your hero? Weird!

ChillFin said...

I did not say that Dick Cheney is a hero of mine. But it is hard to sustain your claims about Dubya without Cheney having a hand in every decision.