Sunday, December 12, 2021

Today’s Poser


Is it me, or is sending Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin rocket up 64 miles to the edge of space and then returning minutes later to Earth a rather ho-hum event?

It all seems somewhat like a quick trip to nowhere!

Afterward: I doubt if this spacecraft could actually go into orbit since it doesn’t look like it has the necessary power … and the heat-shields that would allow for a safe re-entry.



ChillFin said...

Sixty years ago this was a BFD. What's different now is that the passengers are average citizens and the government is not paying for it.

George W. Potts said...

Bezos, Musk and Branson are all on billionaires’ ego trips. Musk is the only one doing anything meaningful. The others are carnival rides. And if you think taxpayers are not shelling out anything for these PR stunts, look again.