Friday, November 12, 2021

Today’s Poser

How come, to the rabid spittle-flecked anti-Trumpers, everything this patriot did, liked or said was satanic?



DEN said...

Quite the patriot: Never served his country, denigrated those who did, never did one thing for anyone other than himself. I repeat he has never done anything that was not in his own self interest. In your pretzel-logic world, he is a patriot. In my world he is the worst person ever to sit in the oval office. If that is spittle flecked, maybe you goobers should be wearing a mask...

George W. Potts said...

I said sheeple find everything that Trump did, liked or said was satanic. You sir again just proved my point … even quoting debunked fake news. Have you no self-awareness?

DEN said...

You said he was a patriot. I guess we disagree on the definition of that word. Please enlighten me about the "debunked fake news."
Have you no decency? or respect for facts?

George W. Potts said...