Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Apt Anology

Kamikaze  pilots …



ChillFin said...


George W. Potts said...

Congressional Democrat leadership going down in flames! Is this so hard?

ChillFin said...

Sorry. I recognized only Pelosi. So why so glum? Is the idea of floating an ambitious package and then negotiating and chipping away to craft workable legislation to improve infrastructure and the well-being of citizens at the expense of the wealthy such an evil plan? Seems to me that it is the art of the deal, rather than nihilism or a simple two-page thumbs/thumbs down.

ChillFin said...

Frankly no. But Elon could amp up the formal charity of Gates and Bezos. Imagine Elon’s soup kitchens where you get a sitdown meal for free, no questions asked.

George W. Potts said...

I believe Bernie Sanders would be a nobody without Gates, Bezos and Musk. Just like Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie created FDR.