Sunday, November 08, 2020

Too Much


“You can never be too rich or too thin.” — Wallace Simpson

This adage is clearly not true ... as Karen Carpenter found out ... too late. Yes, there easily can be too much pollution ... but there can also be too much conservation ... particularly when it starts to cripple economic growth. And there can be too much capitalism ... the “robber baron” type that Teddy Roosevelt fought. But there can also be too much Socialism as in Cuba and Venezuela.

Societies have a nasty habit of swinging back and forth between these “too much” extremes ... thinking that one pole was awful, therefore the other is imperative. There can be fewer faults in our group psyche that are more damaging than constant under- and over-estimation of the human condition.

President Trump has based his popularity on the recognition of the “too much”s that the United States had slipped into: too much globalism, too mch uncontrolled immigration, too much nation building, too much conservation, too much taxing, too many regulations, too much Socialism and too little military might.

And, yes, at some point, Trump or his follow-ons, likely will have gone too far in the other directions.

But, dear reader, it seems to this observer, that Joe Biden will be trying to follow the example of Ms. Carpenter ... “It’s only just begun.”

Afterward: Want to read more on this dear reader? See: Aristotle’s Golden Mean.


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