I hate to be a Gloomy George ... seeing a Chinese conspiracy around every corner. But I was right when I was worried back in April about what China was doing to close the deal on world domination ... see: At War? (Part 1).
Later that month I got even more specific about what China had done to use its coronavirus to punish and humble the world ... and what Xi might further have up his sleeve ... see: At War? (Part 2). One possibility, a clampdown on Hong Kong has already happened and now my spider senses tell me he might be preparing the cover story for unleashing another, more virulent version of coronavirus ... see: New China Coronavirus Outbreak. Imagine what a COVID-20 salvo from China would do to the crippled world economies ... no matter what it does to China?
Boy, do I hope I’m wrong!
You've been pretty much wrong on everything you've posted so far. Keep a going. You and Trump have a great track record. Not to mention North Korea. What a bust that was. And I don't mean a bust of Pallas!!!
Then you too hope I am wrong?
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