Friday, April 10, 2020

Stimulus Check

Let us assume that sometime soon I get Uncle Sam’s economy stimulus check for $1,200 ... which I didn’t ask for and don’t particularly need. What should I do with it?  Here are some possibilities:

- Buy $100 gift cards at 12 local restaurants to help them stay alive?

- Donate it to the local food bank?

- Put it in my grandkids’ college funds?

- Buy hydrovychloroquine tablets for everyone in the neighborhood?

- Donate it to the Trump re-election campaign?

- Buy 12 round-trip Delta airline tickets to Hawaii?

- Donate to a local pol’s “campaign” in exchange for a cushy no-show state job?

- Fund a gun-rights billboard on the Mass pike?

- Buy a lifetime supply of toilet paper?

- Give it back to the government?

My wife won’t tell me how she is going to spend her check ... lots of Netflix movies for our grandkids to keep them occupied during this long shutdown?

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