Thursday, January 09, 2020


McConnell prepares to move forward on impeachment trial rules without Democrats

Mortgage rates fall further, as buyers rush into first open houses of 2020

Tesla: most valuable car company in America ever ...

State Department urges Americans abroad to ‘keep a low profile’

Pompeo says U.S. will abide by laws of war after Trump suggests targeting Iranian cultural sites

US trade deficit falls more than expected to hit lowest level since Trump took office

IRS personal income-tax audits drop to lowest level in decades ...

Nancy Pelosi to introduce Executive Surrender resolution in House

Grassley: Impeachment could delay USMCA by a month

GM warns of ongoing challenges in China as stock falls 15% in 2019

Super Pump: Repo panic returns as Fed injects $99 billion ...

Chelsea Clinton rakes in $9 million as corporate board director

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